VisualPQL homecontents start chapter top of pagebottom of pagenext page index PQLServer


The SIR/XS PQLServer is an executable that allows another standard SIR/XS session to connect to it as a client and to transmit commands to the server, execute those commands remotely and retrieve output. This is done with a set of PQL functions. The PQLServer must be started to enable clients to communicate to it across the network. The client processes do not require any access to files or databases that are local to the server and the two processes (client/server) may be using different hardware/operating systems e.g. client on windows, server on Unix.

From the client point of view processing is as follows:

compute rc = serlog ('TONYDELL:4000','')
write rc
compute x = sersend ('PROGRAM')
compute x = sersend ('WRITE "HELLO WORLD"')
compute x = sersend ('END PROGRAM')
compute rc = serexec (1)
write 'rc = ' rc
compute olines = serlines(x)
write 'lines ' olines
for i=1,olines
. compute line = serget (0)
. write line
end for
compute rc = serlog ('','')
end program
See the
Environment documentation for running the PQLServer.

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